Mistakes were made. As you’re going to see from the video, I wasted no time making a few of my own. This video originated as a Periscope broadcast. If you don’t already follow me, download the app from Google Play or iTunes so you can follow me and get the scoop on what I am up to.
Without further ado…
So, yeah. I totally made mistakes at the beginning of the video. I left that part in on purpose. I could have edited it out, but why? Nothing can be gained by me pretending to be perfect. Nothing.
People Make Mistakes
Unless there is a medical discovery I know nothing about, you’re a people and I’m a people. Since we meet the criteria, we make mistakes. It’s part of life. It’s how we learn. In fact, I believe there is no better way to learn and to make some pretty darn awesome revelations about ourselves than to make mistakes.
Mistakes Aren’t an Excuse to Give Up
Don’t be a quitter. Don’t be a giver-upper either. I made that up, but you get the point. Failures, mistakes, and mishaps are no fun. They are reasons for you to try harder. Remember when you were young and you were given a maze worksheet to complete in class? In my class, there was a race to get the maze done with as little erasing as possible. So we traced the path with our fingers first. It was a practice run. When you make a mistake, it is part of your practice run. You turn around and go back the way you came. You don’t stay stagnant; nor do you just plop down on the floor and decide to camp out. You try again.
Get Over It
Now, don’t take this the wrong way, but, it’s not that serious. Nobody died. Unless they did. In that case, I am so sorry for your loss. Since an actual death is rare, let’s press on.
Embarrassment is a natural emotion when you make a mistake. It is okay. Allow yourself to feel it, but do your best not to stew in it. You don’t have time to plan an extended pity party. I cannot tell you the importance of getting back on the horse. The longer you wait to start again, the farther away you will be from your goal. Don’t let success slip through your fingers because of a small bruise to your ego.
Remember More than Failure
If you have no other reason to try again, do it to get the failure out of your mind. There is no reason to walk away from the event with bad memories. It may not be fun. It may not be easy, but it will be worth it to dig deep and show yourself that you can do it.
I don’t know what your “it” is, but I encourage you to try again.
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Sophia Antoine
Your Courageous Coach + Podcast Host
Hey there. I’m Sophia. I wrote the blog post up there. If there is a video attached, I recorded it too. I am a jack of all trades. Kinda. These posts are meant to encourage women and help them form new, more beneficial habits. It’s my mission to provide helpful information to make it easy for women to change parts of their lives that they aren’t satisfied with. Now, it is important that you realize that it won’t be easy, but I am here with you. I don’t talk or write about anything I haven’t experienced first hand. Understand, there is no judgment here. I want every woman to feel welcome and safe here.
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